What's On - February 2025
Our news feed gives information about upcoming events, training sessions and awareness days. If you know of an event that isn't listed below, please tell your Employment Coordinator so we can add this.
Training Sessions & Courses
Carers' Support Programme - St John's Ambulance
St John's provide a free programme for people who care for others. Check out this link to see more information and how to book.
Their free Carers' Support Programme is for informal carers who are caring for a friend or relative in their own home. They also welcome volunteers who care for people within the voluntary sector.
Some Topics covered:
Session 1 - Useful information on the difficulties carers may have , resources and services available on island , nutrition , pressure area care etc
Session 2 - Dementia Jersey , safety in the home and equipment that may be helpful
Session 3 - Social security presentation on Long Term Care , carers benefits and other related benefits. Social worker assessments
Session 4 - First Aid Training
This course is free to attend.
Contact sarah.vivian@sja.org.je
What's on this February
Dean and Charlie
In August we remembered our JET colleague Dean Lowe and his lovely son Charlie, it has been a year since he was last in the office with us.
We still think about him and talk about him all the time. If you are coming for a meeting at Oakfield please do feel free to spend some time at our new memorial seating area there and enjoy the peace and flowers - he did love his garden and growing all sorts of floral and vegetable offerings for us at JET.
News from JET
Fancy a challenge? Love Race Across the World? Want to support JET?
The JET Jaunt was a huge success, great fun was had by all participants and a lot of money raised to help the work we do here at JET. Keep your eyes peeled for the return of the Jaunt later this year!
Go nuts for Acorn!
The Squirrel Run is a new event coming in the spring of 2025 to mark what would have been our dear late colleague Dean Lowe’s 50th birthday. We are holding this on 13th March, more details to follow.
Will you be a sponsor or a participant?
Get in touch with us now!
Questions, questions
We are holding fun social quizzes a couple of times a year. Would you like to take part, or can you offer a raffle prize?
Email quiz@jet.co.je
Marathon MyWay
Would you like to run a marathon? It’s an official place in the London Marathon but run, jogged or walked where you like. It can be done in sections, from pub to pub, as long
as it is done on Sunday 27 April.
Email caroline.spencer@jet.co.je
Community Events
Why not get involved in a local event to support a Jersey charity, or just have fun and meet new people.
Jersey Heritage have some great walking routes available to try on their website - including new Geowalks. These are accompanied guided walks around different areas of Jersey - a partnership between Jersey Heritage and Aspiring Jersey Island Geopark (AJIG). For more information and a link to book tickets please press here.
4 February - Closer to Home event at Jersey Library, 10am – 3pm (World Cancer Day)
This event is an opportunity for anyone affected by cancer as well as healthcare professionals, to come together, access valuable resources and find out more about Jersey’s Cancer Strategy.
The following charities and services will be taking part;
Cancer.je, Jersey Hospice Care, Travel and Oversees Team (GoJ), Improving the Cancer Journey Jersey (ICJJ), ABC Jersey, Health Benefits – Work & Family Hub (GoJ), Income Support and Impairment – Work & Family Hub (GoJ), Jersey Cancer Relief, Help2Quit, Friends of Jersey Oncology, Viberts, Liberty Bus, CLIC Sargent, Customer Experience Team (GoJ), Live Life Fitness
Attendees will have the chance to engage with various cancer charities, learn about support services and participate in a Q&A panel from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm with those leading the strategy. This interactive session will allow you to ask questions and gain insight from experts in the field, including:
- Dr Elizabet Gomes Dos Santos, Strategy Lead
- Kerry Le Crom, Lead for Improving the Cancer Journey Jersey
- Sarah Evans, Primary and Preventative Care
- Lorna Pirozzolo, Cancer.je, Voice of Cancer Patients
- Susie Hazeldine, Travel Office Manager
- Antonia Rubio, Cancer Advocate and Charity Ambassador
If you would like to attend the Q&A panel please, reserve your free ticket here: World Cancer Day - Q&A panel
5 February – Andium Homes are holding their monthly Rent Clinic at their office in Don Street. This is an opportunity to speak to one of their Rent Advisors and an Income Support Advisor in one place. They are available from 12-2pm. Phone number is 500700 for any questions.
14 February - Valentines Quiz night by Enable Jersey at the Royal Hotel
Enable Jersey are holding a curry and fun quiz night this Valentine’s Day - and are looking to welcome teams to come along and participate. The event is held at the Royal Hotel, tickets are £25 per person and include a choice of curry and a selection of extras with vegetarian and vegan options available.
Teams to be maximum of 6 people.
To book, please call 485740 or email info@enablejersey.org
18 February -Enable Voice get together, held at their Kingsman office in Castle Street.
1.30 – 2pm Cuppa and Chat
2-3pm Meeting
3-3.30pm Cuppa and Chat
Enable Voice is a safe space for Islanders affected by disability to come together and talk about things that affect them in everyday life. Should you have any queries or considerations you would like Enable to be aware of please contact Suzanne - suzanne@enablejersey.org or phone/text 07829 933172 or Georgina- georgina@enablejersey.org or phone/text 07829931013.
17 – 21 February is half term, the Maritime museum is holding a Viking celebration week, lots of action packed fun!
Breathing Matters Choir and other activities by the Respiratory Team
A recently formed choir, set up by the Respiratory Team for people with chronic lung diseases, is looking for new members. The choir is just one of three initiatives set up by the Respiratory Team to support adult Islanders with lung issues or illnesses. “Breathing Matters Choir” provides free sessions with singing coach Gia Morgan Vocals with Gia - Jersey CI & Online for those with conditions such as asthma, COPD or Bronchiectasis. The group was formed through the Government’s Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities grant scheme, which was established to help fund cultural or physical activities for those whose mental and physical health may have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Karen Hughes, said: “Singing has been clinically proven to be of benefit for people with breathing and respiratory conditions. We do lots of singing exercises like blowing through tubes which is great for clearing your chest and improving your lung function.” One choir member said: “The exercises really helped in showing me how to get rid of all that stale air. I am genuinely someone who cannot sing a single note in tune but that didn’t stop me enjoying the session. I am now even tempted to sing Edelweiss in the shower!” “You don’t have to be good at singing,” she said. “It’s meant for people who don’t have any experience. You can also bring a friend or relative along with you. It’s really informal and is meant to be fun.”
Singing coach Gia added: “It’s so very important singing, and it is hugely valuable for lung health. In these sessions, we will use techniques to encourage deep breathing which can improve lung capacity and function.
“It will involve controlled breathing techniques that helps strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase oxygen flow to the lungs. This has been proven to enhance lung efficiency, increase oxygenation of the blood and improve overall respiratory health. Additionally, it holistically promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which can also benefit your lung health. The sessions are fun, and no-one is asked to perform solo.”
The choir meets approximately every two weeks on a Monday at 12.30pm. It is held in the day room at Jersey Hospice and there is plenty of flat car parking available. Approximately 20 people, a 50:50 mix of men and women attend but they are also looking for new members. To find out more, call the Respiratory team on 01534 442238 and kindly spread the word.
Karen has also set up a friends walking group for her patients, which meets every Monday at 9.30am for a gentle walk on the promenade by Sands café near the Jersey Pearl in St Ouen.
There is also a respiratory meeting for adults with chronic lung diseases. The group meets in the day room of the Hospice between 2pm and 4pm on the first Thursday of the month where there is the opportunity to discuss any issues around their respiratory health with a member of the Respiratory team and invited speakers.
Jersey Scrabble Club is looking for members
If you enjoy playing scrabble in a social atmosphere, then please join Jersey Scrabble Club!
The Club meets every Tuesday from 7 – 10pm at the Salvation Army in Minden Place.
All games are 1 v 1, so new members get help and support if they’re uncertain about how to play or want to learn tactics.
New members can try it for free, and it costs £3 per week once you’ve decided to join, including refreshments.
If you’re interested in joining, call Alex on 07797744228 or email alexmallinson@yahoo.co.uk.
Awareness Days
February is LGBT+ History Month, it’s a time to celebrate diversity and this year the theme is Activism and Social Change. Throughout history LGBT+ people have been activists, helping to shape and create social change, using many different approaches. Locally Liberate are holding a Creative writing workshop at Jersey Library on 24th February. This is free and is with award-winning author Meg Grehan @megcathwrites who will join in online at the @jerseylibraryci. The event will take place at the Library, from 7-9pm and is open for over 18 + year olds only.
Meg is the author of five novels-in-verse; The Space Between, The Deepest Breath, Baby Teeth, The Lonely Book and The Brightest Star (May 2025). Her books have won two Children’s Books Ireland Awards and been nominated for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, An Post Irish Book Awards and the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing She lives in County Donegal in the north-west of Ireland, where she spends too much time reading poetry and hugging trees.
Liberate are delighted that Meg has kindly offered her time to host this workshop - so whether you're an aspiring writer, or wishing to develop your existing writing skills, join the session!
Email kaye@liberate.je to book a place
6 February - Time to talk day. Its always good to have someone you trust who you can talk to, even more when you have any issues that you need to discuss. If you need support then you can always ask your Employment Coordinator for advice about who to speak to, or try the Listening Lounge on 866793 for an appointment. If you are really struggling, the Samaritans provide a 24 hour service to listen to anyone who calls. Their number is 0330 094 5717.
You could always take advantage of Time to Talk day to make an effort to get back in touch with old friends or acquaintances over a cuppa and cake! It's good to talk!
3-9 February - Tinnitus awareness week. This condition affects lots of people in our community and can be very debilitating. Sufferers often get continuous ringing sounds in their ears which can reduce their quality of life as they battle to hear over the noise. If you have issues with your ears you can speak to Audiology who can advise you.
14 February - St Valentines Day - a day for all those who are in love!
17 February is Random Acts of Kindness Day. What can you do for someone else? Maybe you will have some kindness shown towards you today!
21 February is Pancake Day as Lent starts the day after. Make sure you use up all your ingredients and enjoy a pancake or two
24 February – 2 March is Eating Disorders Awareness Week. If you feel you have an issue with food and would like some advice or someone to speak to who will understand you please contact JEDS - (Jersey Eating Disorder Support), they will be able to help and signpost to other agencies.
General Information
Get Ahead - Career and skills help for people receiving Income Support
Get Ahead assists individuals who are in receipt of Income Support in enhancing their careers and skills. Participation in this service is optional and will not impact their Income Support benefits.
Get Ahead can help individuals to:
- develop and progress their career
- develop their skills and confidence
- earn more money
You can take part if you’re already working your required hours or are not required to work under the income support eligibility rules.
The Get Ahead team can help individuals with funding towards training, development, and qualifications, career advice and guidance, job searching and applications, CV and cover letters, money management, childcare advice and options, Health and wellbeing and planning for the future.
Eligibility for the service:
- Receiving Income Support with 5 years residency and
- Already working required hours determined by the income support rules
- Early parent returners (parent with children under 3 years old)
You can email the team on getahead@gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 447589. Please also see Career and skills help if you're on Income Support (Get Ahead) for more information and links.
For individuals not receiving Income Support
You can receive help with your career or education, by contacting Skills Jersey.
The team at Skills Jersey provides guidance, services and resources to support students, Islanders and local businesses with going into further education, establishing career paths, starting university and exploring apprenticeship opportunities.
Find more information on skills, careers and higher education.
Dementia Jersey have moved to new premises, in Halkett Street, just opposite Bean around the World. It is purpose built and has been constructed with research based decoration and furniture ready to support those who need their services.
The Government has moved offices to the new building on the site of Cyril Le Marquand house on Union Street. It now houses employees from Eagle House and La Motte Street and is a hub for the community where we can gain advice and support around areas such as pensions, income support, contributions, registration cards, housing, planning and building control. It opened on 9th December, opening hours are from 8.30 to 5pm, phone number remains the same at 444444. The name of 'Customer and Local Services' will change to become 'Employment, Social Security and Housing'
Your Voice Matters
Macmillan Jersey, whose purpose is to provide cancer support to anyone affected by cancer in Jersey, are asking for your help. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you'll be directly contributing to the enhancement of services and income strategies ensuring they meet the needs of everyone in our community. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey - your input will make a real difference.
Elemental Launch – Social Prescribing in Jersey
Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities is proud to launch Elemental, which is an online social prescribing solution designed for GP’s and other frontline healthcare professionals so that people with social, emotional, or practical needs are empowered to engage in local programmes and services to which improve their health and wellbeing. In due course, islanders will be able to self-refer themselves to get help, but for the time being referrals will mostly be done via the GP’s. This is a natural flow of progression considering that Connect Me is all about connecting islanders by providing opportunities for them to take part in cultural and physical activities, often that have been out of reach for them due to finances, mobility or isolation.
It is well-proven that joining in social activities and meeting other people greatly improves peoples physical, mental and social well-being therefore Elemental is a fantastic way of delivering help and support to our islanders.
Newly appointed Link Workers will pick up referrals through the Elemental system and will have the opportunity to listen, support and guide people to a new hobby, sport or cultural activity – and some people may even pick up a pastime that they have not been able to do in years – but most importantly, they will be informed and directed to join one of the many activities happening in Jersey that hopefully, in turn, will improve their life.
Check out the link above to the Jersey website which is also a comprehensive directory of activities & services in Jersey, it is not complete yet, but worth a look and if there is an activity that you know is happening in Jersey but is not listed, please contact Jo Goodhall j.goodhall@gov.je – they want as many activities, services and programmes to be listed as possible.
Community Cost Bonus claims 2024/2025
You can still apply for the 2024 / 2025 Community Cost Bonus. If you have previously received the Community Cost Bonus, check you have not already received the bonus before applying.
Community Costs Bonus
The Community Costs Bonus is an annual payment to help households that are just above the Income Support level with the cost of GST on food. This used to be called the Food Cost Bonus.
The Community Cost Bonus for 2024 is £516.50.
Who can claim the Community Cost Bonus
A household can claim the bonus when all of the following apply:
- at least 1 adult member has been resident in Jersey for the last 5 years
- the household had a combined tax liability of less than £2,735 for 2023
- The household is not receiving Income Support
Who is included in a household
A household is defined in the same way as it is for Income Support purposes. A household can be any of the following:
- a person living alone
- a couple (married or not married)
- a family living together at the same address with children under school leaving age or still in full time education or job-seeking.
Your application may take up to four weeks to be processed. Please do not apply until you have received your 2023 tax assessment notice. Islanders who qualify can apply until 30 June 2025.
You can visit the following website to apply and for more information; gov.je/CCB
Dementia Jersey Carers Packs
Are you a family carer for someone with dementia? Check out Dementia Jersey’s new FREE Carers Support Pack which contains carefully curated information and advice based on the charity’s years of experience supporting people with dementia and their families and friends. This pack includes guides, tools, and information to help you navigate the caregiving journey.
In the pack, you'll find information on:
Dementia Jersey's services
The Dementia Pathway
‘This is Me’ booklet
Aid to Locate booklet
The Sunflower Lanyard Scheme
Memory Assessment Leaflet
Long Term Care Scheme
Discover valuable resources and support for family carers with Dementia Jersey's Carers Pack! Visit www.dementia.je/carerspack to find out more.
Improvements made to Long-Term Care Scheme communications
The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar, is delighted to announce the completion of a review and enhancements to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Scheme communications, to make them more straightforward and easier to understand. Delivering these enhancements is a key priority of the Minister’s 2023 Delivery Plan. The new communications have been developed after discussions with all stakeholders, including carers and people who currently participate in the LTC scheme.
The workstream to review and improve the communications material, has delivered:
- Updated scheme literature: There is a new Information Pack made up of three separate, newly designed, shorter leaflets to provide clear explanations of each Long-Term Care Scheme scenario and a simple ‘roadmap’ which provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide for someone as they apply for the Long-Term Care Scheme. Information is available in larger font, on request.
- New webpages: To further enhance how information is presented, new webpages have been launched. They offer new content and interactive menus, ensuring that Islanders can access the details they need, quickly and easily. This is available to view. An animated explainer video and EasyRead resources will also be added to the webpages.
Minister widens access to Jersey's Social Housing
More Islanders will be eligible to access social rented homes, following changes to the Affordable Housing Gateway criteria, announced today by the Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr.
The Minister has published his "Roadmap for improving access to social housing in Jersey", which outlines a detailed series of steps to widen access, and to improve the way it is managed and promoted.The changes, which include reducing the minimum age of eligibility in a phased way over the next 15 months, reflect a long-standing commitment to continually widen access to social housing as the supply of social rented homes increases.
The eligibility updates mapped out today include:
- Reducing the age of eligibility for people without children gradually, from 40 down to 25. From September 2023, Islanders aged over 35 will be eligible to apply for social housing. This will be widened to age 30 in March 2024 and age 25 in October 2024. Eligibility to access social housing begins at age 18 for households with children, but for households with no children, the age of eligibility has traditionally been much higher.
- Further increasing income thresholds. The maximum income thresholds for social housing will be gradually increased to better reflect the needs of Islanders who may need help with their housing costs. These changes will be implemented in stages, with those who qualify for two-, three- and four-bedroom homes eligible from September 2023. The new limits will range from £61,956 per year (single applicant and one child) up to £92,079 per year (joint applicant and three children or more).
- From September 2023, in the case of separated families, the second household will become eligible to apply for a home with one additional bedroom, to accommodate child stays. At present, only the first household is eligible to access additional bedrooms for children.
- From September 2023, grandparents who provide care for their grandchild(ren) with additional needs will be eligible to request a transfer to a two-bedroom home. This will enable family support networks to provide care and respite.
The Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr, said: "I'm pleased to be making these changes, which mean more Islanders will be able to access affordable, good-standard and secure homes. This reflects my commitment of supporting Islanders who continue to experience housing and cost of living pressures, as well as thinking towards the long-term and achieving a housing market that meets the needs of everyone in our community.
Mind Jersey
Mind Jersey have started several new groups in their centres in town. They are generally open for anyone who needs support, friendship or a chat! There are lots of options, from Man Club to a DVD club, Art groups to a walking group. The best way to find out what is happening is on their facebook page, follow this link. Their new hub is called 'Friends of Mine' and can be found on Seale Street not far from the Town Hall. You can drop in to see them and get support, free tea/coffee and a chat. They are open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday - give it a try! If you need to find out more you can call their admin line 07829 933929
Macmillan Jersey are offering some new wellbeing fitness classes to try out. If you have been supporting a loved one with cancer, or have recently lost someone to cancer, maybe you've finished cancer treatment and trying to feel more like yourself again, and make some healthy changes to your lifestyle.
You might like to try Macmillan Jersey's new Boxing Better wellbeing fitness class with The Rock Fitness.
Not only is exercise essential for physical and mental health - but these classes can be empowering, cathartic and a great way to relieve stress and channel your energy into something positive through a difficult time.
Sign up today for a block of 12 free sessions (2 per week) by emailing admin@macmillanjersey.com or calling 498188.
Shopmobility offers a highly subsidised scheme aimed mainly, but not exclusively, at individuals on Income Support who do not meet the criteria for Health supplied equipment. The scheme is designed for those who wish to boost their mobility and enhance their quality of life, thus avoiding the need to consider entering a care home or indeed suffering periods of time in hospital and therefore remaining for longer in their own domestic setting to the benefit of their wellbeing. Proof of need to participate in the scheme is required from either a doctor, including individual GPs, the Occupational or Physiotherapy Departments of Health and Community Services.
The cost to the individual in participating in the scheme is set at £35 per calendar month, easily met from the mobility element of Income Support, with this charge covering insurance, batteries (replacement if needed) and on-going equipment maintenance, along with delivery and collection as needed.
The scooters provided will remain the property of Shopmobility and will be collected when no longer required. In the interests of safety full training is offered by Shopmobility so insurance cover is extended to the scheme and the Charity reserves absolutely the right to refuse applications as deemed appropriate if there are concerns over safe usage at its discretion.
Applications and advice regarding the scheme are readily available not only to potential users but to their family and friends via direct contact at Shopmobility in the Lower Ground Floor of Sand Street Car Park or by phone on 739672.
Alternatively prospective clients can email Mr Edward Trevor, MBE ( Hon Chairman) using edward@shopmobility.org.je who will respond as necessary.
Video Magnifier Project
EYECAN prides itself on its responsiveness to needs in the community. This year EYECAN launched a video magnifier project, which involves the phased distribution of long-term loan video magnifiers to care venues and libraries. The devices support individuals with sight loss to access books, documents, undertake precision tasks such as colouring and needlework, and to revisit photographs, which can prompt reminiscence.
Eyecan is pleased to announce that a video magnifier is now available for the public to use at the Library in St Helier. It is situated on the ground floor in an accessible place to the left of the front doors. A staff member should be on hand to show people how to use it.
The ClearView C is a desktop video magnifier for people with low vision. It is designed for people who need magnification to read, write or do their hobbies. The size of the text can be greatly increased, and the image can be enhanced to provide clearer contrast.
The Government’s Parental Support Payment has launched and is open for applications.
You may be eligible to apply if you meet all the following criteria:
- You have lived in Jersey for less than five years
- You have “registered” status
- You have children under the age of 18
- Your gross household income last year was no more than £36,000 for a single person and £48,000 for a couple
Payments are £250 for one child and £500 for two or more children.
To apply for this money please speak to your EC or call 444444 to speak to someone in Customer and Local Services who will be able to help you.
Gov.je has a website for those with a learning disability, transforming how they can access information - it is now live here
The site, which has been reviewed by service users, improves how information is presented to make sure it is in an accessible and easy to understand format. The project was undertaken as Islanders with learning disabilities struggled with complex information on gov.je and needed help to understand it.
The Adult Learning Disability Team has worked with the Government of Jersey’s Web Services Team in consultation with service users to create the site which delivers “easy read” content in HTML format. It presents information as a combination of images and clear, understandable text. Check it out on the link above and see if its a useful service for you.
Don't put off your cervical screening
We have recently had Cervical Screening Awareness Week, women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 are being encouraged to opt-in to the free cervical screening programme.
Cervical screening detects Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a viral infection passed between people through skin-to-skin and sexual contact which is the main cause of cervical cancer. If HPV is detected the screening sample will then be checked for any underlying abnormalities of the cervical cells.
Women and people with a cervix are reminded that they need to opt-in to the programme when they turn 25 by contacting their GP.
It is important that Islanders attend their screenings regularly (every three years for those aged 25-50, and every five years for those aged 50-64) as HPV can lie dormant for many years. Read more in Don’t put off your cervical screening (gov.je)
Coop Quiet Hour - In conjunction with Autism Jersey and the National Autistic Society, Coop Grande Marche St Peter and St Helier are extending their Quiet Hour on Mondays from 3 - 5pm and Saturdays 5-7pm Read more here
Concessionary bus pass scheme to include free travel for companions
Carers or companions of eligible Islanders in the AvanchiAccess scheme will be able to travel on the bus for free, following an extension of the scheme by the Infrastructure, Housing and Environment (IHE) department.
The existing AvanchiAccess scheme provides unlimited free travel for Islanders who have a long-term disability preventing them from driving. The AvanchiAccess+ scheme includes free travel for carers or companions who need to assist those Islanders who cannot travel alone on the bus some or all of the time.
Eligible Islanders who are part of the existing scheme or new customers that want to apply for the AvanchiAccess+ scheme should pick up an application form from Liberation Station, parish halls, doctors' surgeries and community organisations around the Island to apply. The pass will then be ready to use from 1 October.
Islanders must meet the eligibility criteria which includes having a long-term disability that prevents them from driving and the need to have a companion assist them on the bus some or all of the time.
For the full criteria visit www.gov.je/buses or www.libertybus.je.
Free screening checks to prevent sight loss
Islanders with diabetes are being urged to come forward to check if they are at risk of losing their sight to one of the leading – but largely preventable – causes of blindness in the developed world.
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the top five causes of blindness and sight loss in both the working age population and developed world. There are about 4,500 Islanders with diabetes and the team carry out about 5,000 free screening checks, which involves taking a variety of 2D and 3D images of the back of the eye (retina) to look for diabetic changes, a year.
Improvements to the service, which began last year, means that the waiting list for retinal screening has been cleared and the team is now urging anyone who feels they should be screened to contact them by calling 01534 444590. The clinics are free and can be offered in Spanish, Portuguese and Polish. Please check out the information here
The Salvation Army are continuing helping those in need this year.
Their year-round support is available at their Minden Place premises, call Salvation Army HQ on 735472, the office is open 9-1 Monday to Friday for more details of their help.
- Food bank – the Salvation Army food bank will be running for those in short-term financial crisis. Food parcels include toiletries and baby items such as nappies/wipes/formula. For longer term support, i.e. more than 6 weeks, please consider referring to the other foodbanks on the island.
- Voucher support will continue to be available for those in immediate financial hardship. This includes utility top-ups (Jersey Electric, heating oil, and Jersey Gas) and supermarket vouchers.
- Community cafe is open offering free soup daily.
Pastoral support – the Salvation Army are always happy to listen and chat with people and offer pastoral support and/or signposting as appropriate, in their friendly community cafe.
There are more food banks in operation at the moment on Island, The Grace Trust offer food to those in need from their base in Lewis Street, they are happy to help and can be contacted to talk through difficulties. Please follow this link for their website.
SVP (Saint Vincent de Paul Society) also provides food bank access, they are open on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. They are based in an office at the side of St Thomas Church in St Helier. For more information please follow this link
If you need any further help or information about any of the above please talk to your Employment Coordinator, we can assist with referrals or point you in the right direction.