client resources

Industry Training

Industry training refers to learning skills and studying while undertaking 'on the job' experience in a specific industry or sector. Industry training can include short skill-specific development such as till training, or longer-term training such as a professional qualification.

Skills Development Training

There are so many different skills that you may be required to learn or develop within a workplace.  We have covered some of these on our pages about Phone Skills, Customer Service, Health & Safety and Food Safety.  Another commonly needed skill is being able to use a till. 

Till training

If you work in retail or hospitality, you may be required to use a till to take payment from customers.  There are many different types of tills and they can all work differently, but it is important that you use it correctly. Although tills may seem daunting at first, they can be easy to use.  Till operators can often scan customer purchases, or select the correct item from a list.  The till will add up how much the customer owes and show you how much change to give.

If you would like more support with till training, talk to your Employment Coordinator as they can work with you to help you with any issues you have in work, or anything you may be worried about if you are starting a new role. 

Industry Training

Industry training can also refer to learning and development specific employment skills while in work.  Typically, the term is used to describe the training someone gets at the start of their career that helps them to gain the expertise needed to work in this area.

Sometimes the trainee will work in an unpaid, or lower-paid capacity and learn through doing the job, for example a person developing the skills to work in an office.   Others may combine part-time work with a formal study programme to gain an industry-specific professional qualification, such as an electrician, hairdresser, mechanic, childcare worker or chef. 

Below are some examples of different industry training schemes:


Clients who are registered as 'Actively Seeking Work' can register their interest in the Government of Jersey's Foundations training scheme, which is a paid training initiative run through the Customer and Local Services department.* 

Foundations Training is offered in the following areas:

  • Ecoscape - land management and gardening
  • Maintenance Project - painting, decorating and basic DIY
  • Scanning - office-based scanning and digital filing 

The 12-week programme, which can be extended on agreement, requires candidates to register their interest through their Employment Coordinator and attend an interview before being offered a place on the scheme.  Due to the popularity of this opportunity, there may be a waiting list for people to attend their chosen scheme.

*after a successful trial period


Trackers supports people aged 16 and over in their chosen apprenticeships by providing mentoring and funding/part-funding for training fees.  You can gain a qualification from Highlands College while also working up to 25 hours a week with an employer on minimum wage.


In order to be eligible for Trackers, you need to have an ongoing job or placement with an employer and show a commitment to developing your skills and gaining employment in a certain area. 


JET can, at times, provide internship opportunities to our clients which involves a short-term paid contract with an employer, usually between 2 - 3 months.  You need to have been on placement with the employer beforehand, and show you are dedicated and committed to developing your skills and career further.

If you are interested in the above or have any questions, please speak to your Employment Coordinator for further information.

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